Xynthesizr v1.4.2 Hits App Store, Fixes Audiobus Bugs

08 Sep 2015

Version 1.4.2 of Xynthesizr was released to the app store a few days ago.  The release includes fixes for a couple of bugs that I recently wrote a post about. (See Thanks, Yuri, Creator of Xynthesizr.)

From the app store:

What's New in Version 1.4.2

◦ Fixed a crash while saving state in Audiobus with MIDI clock input selected in Xynthesizr
◦ Fixed a bug when a popup saying "Invalid File Format" would show up when launching Xynthesizr from Audiobus
◦ Updated Audiobus SDK to 2.2.1
◦ Now supporting ARM64 architecture

It was great to interact with Yuri on these issues and I'm looking forward to future development efforts from him.