MIDI-only Params and More for blipweb
08 Feb 2016
I've made some updates to blipweb, a Web MIDI application for creating and sharing patches for MeeBlip anode. (To get an overview of blipweb, along with an introductory video, see this post.)
The updates in the latest release include:
- support for MIDI-only params (glide, VCF envelope amount, LFO random, LFO note retrigger, oscillator b wave type)
- bank selector for wave types
- reference table for wave types
- wave knob updated to support easier selection of the 8 different wave types in each wave bank
- "surprise me!" button that generates a random patch; good for exploring MeeBlip sounds and providing a starting point for your own patches
blipweb is open source. You can find the source code at GitHub. It's available for MeeBlip users online at factotumo.com/blipweb/.
I've created a short video describing the updates.